The HYM430SPER is a low maintenance self-propelled RWD rear (roller) drive electric start petrol rear roller lawnmower specifically designed for mowing stripes into your lawn.
A quick and helpful guide showing how you can set up and start your HYUNDAI HYM430SPER Self-Propelled Electric Start Roller Lawnmower
In the video you will see:
0:16- 0:33: What Is In The Box
0:34- 1:19: Contents
1:20- 2:01: Parts You're Going To Need
2:02- 3.35: Lower Handle
3:36- 8:22: Handle
8:23- 8:34: Charging
8:35- 8:58: Battery Charger
08:59- 09:10: Add Engine Oil To The Engine
09:11- 9:44: Remove The Dipstick
09:45- 13:02: Engine Oil
13:03- 13:17: Putting Petrol In Your Lawnmower
13:18- 13:49: Fill The Fuel Tank
13:50- 14:48: Controls
14:49- 15:13: Push-Button Start
15:14- 15:42: Primer Bulb
15:43- 16:46: Assembly
16:47- 17:16: Single Point Hike Adjusting System
17:17- 19:07: Cold start
If you require further assistance please contact us on or 01 646 687 880.
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